Seniors Say Goodbye
The Class of 2024 Gathered for the Annual Senior Countdown Dinner

Photo by Towfiqu Barbhuiya on Unsplash
On Feb. 26 at 6 p.m., all the seniors made their way to the cafeteria to eat and share memories with their peers. Seniors spent time reminiscing through old yearbooks with fellow classmates and cherishing the pictures on a slide show. This dinner was just the beginning of goodbyes for the class of 2024. Senior dinner was also the class of 2024’s official introduction to being a Maclay alumnus.
Seniors got the chance to eat dinner with friends as well as one special guest per table. The special guests ranged from members of the Board of Trustees to current and old teachers. At each table, students were able to share memories with the teachers and staff members that have guided them through the years.
“The dinner was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed hearing the favorite Maclay memories of my classmates,” senior Abbi Sherman said. “I also enjoyed hearing where all my classmates planned to attend college.”
After the students were finished eating they got to share where they are attending college and what their plans are after graduation. Students in the class of 2024 are attending colleges that range from the University of Montana to St. Andrews in Scotland. After each senior announced their post-graduation plans, they were asked to share their favorite Maclay memory, with the most popular memory being the Junior Ski Trip in 2023.
“This dinner was really special,” senior Venkat Maddipotti said. “Seeing a lot of the people I got to grow up with and realizing that we are going to be independent adults soon was really awesome.”
The seniors were then given an alumni association pin and were told to stay in touch with Maclay. After, each senior was given a piece of a puzzle that would make up the class picture on their ten-year reunion. The seniors then signed their names on the back of the piece and wrote one word that could describe their tenure at Maclay.
“Overall I would have to say my favorite part of the dinner had to be hearing all the awesome memories that my classmates had and the mac and cheese was pretty awesome too,” Maddipotti said.
To end the night's festivities, the students made their way to the fountain outside of the Webster Convocation Center. The seniors took the first of many class photos to celebrate graduation which will take place in 88 days.