Why High Schoolers Should Go Trick-or-Treating

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash
On a cold October night, when you look around and find trick-or-treaters roaming the streets, don’t be surprised to see high schoolers among the festivities. Halloween is an enjoyable time for people of all ages to dress up and engage in fun community activities. Trick-or-treating is a popular event with adolescents, which involves dressing up in costumes of various themes and walking around an area collecting candy. While it seems like just an enjoyable activity, trick or treating is also a great way to bond with community members. Since trick-or-treating is fun and benefits their relationships with others, high schoolers should go trick-or-treating.
Typically, trick-or-treating is a festivity done with friends and family. It is the perfect bonding activity for busy teenagers, as they will build better relationships with the people in their life. Similarly, when participating in trick-or-treating, interactions between teenagers and neighbors or community members are very frequent. Due to this, trick-or-treating is a wonderful way for teenagers to socialize and build bonds within communities.
Since trick-or-treating is designed for adolescents, teenagers should participate regarding the fact that they are still classified as such. Because high schoolers are adolescents, they should not be restricted from such activities. In addition, trick-or-treating with others while dressed up festively has a chance of bringing a sense of nostalgia to high school participants. Some could view trick-or-treating as a way for high schoolers to relive their childhoods, and others could see it as high schoolers making more memories. Either way, high schoolers should take advantage of the enjoyable holiday activity while they are still adolescents.
Since trick-or-treating is an activity that permits students to socialize with others, trick-or-treating provides high schoolers an enjoyable break. If high schoolers go trick-or-treating with friends or family they are having fun with people close to them, giving a brief distraction from school.
“I feel like trick-or-treating is more fun with your friends,” freshman Paige Grooters said. “I think there is something special about that because I love hanging out with my friends.”
Some people might argue that high schoolers are too mature to dress up, or that it is pointless to go around seeking candy when it is more convenient to buy some from a store. While high schoolers might be mature, in the end they are still adolescents and deserve to participate in the fun activity. Additionally, although it is convenient to buy candy rather than trick-or-treating for it, the point of trick-or-treating is to have an enjoyable time with others rather than just seeking out sweets. Conclusively, trick-or-treating is a great activity high schoolers should participate in because it is enjoyable and builds relationships and memories.