Honorable, Respectful, Accountable
Gallery: 2024 Honor Code Signing Ceremony

The Book - The book of honor was introduced to Maclay over 10 years ago. It was handcrafted from the leather to the lettering. Its purpose is to remind students to uphold the honor code. Each class’ signatures are displayed their senior year in the library.

Respectful - Students attentively watch while upper school representatives speak about the honor code.

Accountable - The Honor Signing is a Maclay tradition that happens every year. Each student and faculty member’s name is signed in the book of honor. This reminds the Maclay community to be honorable, respectful, and accountable.

Inspirations - Owner of Challenger Learning Center Ryan Boyle encourages students as a guest speaker to “reach new heights.”

Leadership - Student Council Co-President Kayla Iarossi speaks to students about what it means to uphold the honor code and be a Maclay student.
Photos by Blair Bayliss/Maclay Andalusian