The Super Bowl Holiday
The Day After the Super Bowl Should Be a Holiday

Photo by Stephen Luke / CC BY 2.0
Every year since 2022, the Super Bowl has occurred on the second Sunday of February. On this famous sports event, the final two NFL teams remaining play against each other, fans waiting to see what team will win and everyone trying to guess what songs their favorite singer will perform during the halftime performance. Since the Super Bowl is always on a Sunday, that means the day after is a Monday, a workday or school day, and never a day off for people worldwide.
Die-hard fans that go to every one of their team’s games will want to travel to the Super Bowl, which might mean a flight or a long car ride. Going out of town will result in having to miss the next Monday of work or school, which some people might not be okay with. People would choose not to go to the Super Bowl because they would have to ask off on work or school; the easiest thing people would choose is just not to go because they do not want to miss anything.
According to CBS Sports, the Monday after the game is known as the “Super Sick Monday,” because most people the day after the game feel sick from either staying out too late or partying too hard. A survey says that over 17 million Americans call in sick to work or school, needing to take a day off. Some people, knowing that they would have to take that Monday off, choose just to skip the whole game and watch it from home on their television, going to work or school the next day.
The Super Bowl has become one of the biggest events of the year where people will party. Since the game is so late on a Sunday, adults might feel forced or obligated to drive home after the Super Bowl, in order to get to their job the next day, maybe forcing them to drive under the influence.
Reported by Forbes, the Super Bowl is the biggest event where driving under the influence spikes. If the day after the Super Bowl was a holiday, rushing back home to make it in time to wake up the next morning for work would decrease, resulting in a decrease in DUIs.
Since the Super Bowl will end late in the night or it will take people a while to get home, people would not be able to function or perform well if they are sleep deprived. Work or school days would be wasted or might cause a downfall in high evaluations from being too sleep deprived to perform well.
Notes from The Horizon say that the day after would be too much of an unproductive day that people are better off staying at home or a friend’s house to clean themselves up in order to be ready for the Tuesday. The day after should be a holiday so people who went to the game could sleep and be fully rested, ready for work or school.
On the other hand, some might argue that if the day after the Super Bowl was a holiday, every company or public institution would be forced to take off. People who need to go to work, earn some extra money or put their kids in school or daycare if they are busy would not be able to do that, causing problems in people’s lives.
A petition stating that the day after a Super Bowl is a holiday, or Super Bowls should be moved to another day other than a Sunday, preferably a Saturday, should be reconsidered. There have been efforts to change that Monday to become a holiday but unfortunately have failed and should be looked at again.